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Do you struggle with...

Being Organized?

Managing Your Day?

Know What To Do First?

Planning Big Projects?

Controlling Your Emotions?

Forgetting Things?

Losing Things?

Being on Time?

Paying Attention or Focusing?

Your Relationships?

Starting  or Finishing Things?

Getting Overwhelmed?

Do You Have Habits You Feel Are Beyond Your Control?


First, we want to let you know you are not the problem. There are skills you can learn to take back control of your life, and we can teach you.



Do you feel like your Adult ADHD is holding you back in life?

You can take control and move forward with your goals.


You can become a person that does what you say you will do.


You can master skills that make your life so much easier.


With coaching all these things & more can happen. 


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ADHD Coach & Educator

Mande John

Home: Welcome

Phone: 760-544-3198

Home: Work With Me
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My name is Mande John. I am the founder of Learn to Thrive with ADHD. For much of my life, I struggled with severe symptoms of ADHD. For me, this led to depression and anxiety. I was never the person that did what she said she was going to do. Then I found coaching and that all changed. Learning to manage your mind is the key to being the boss of your brain. Medication although helpful for many does not teach us the skills we missed along the way. That is what I do. I teach you the skills you need for success in life and help you manage your mind along the way. I'm passionate about helping people with ADHD change their lives the way I have changed mine. My passion is to help you make your life easier.

Welcome To

Learn To Thrive With ADHD

Home: About

Watch The Video To Learn About ADHD Coaching

Read About Other People's Experience With Coaching


I thought trying out life coaching was just to figure out my newly diagnosed ADHD. It was so much more than that. Mande did more for me than YEARS of therapy could accomplish. She guided me to not only heal, but take CONTROL of my life. I still have a long road ahead of me but I know where I'm going and how to get there. I feel confident in myself and im excited for my future.


Since coaching with Mande, I have learned to shift my thoughts and feelings, and ultimately have displayed more behaviors I take pride in. I’m truly grateful for the experiences Mande’s coaching has helped me pursue.

Tobi Johnson

Sara Rodriguez

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Mande has a rare gift of meeting you where you are at and guiding you to where you want to be. She does it with wisdom, understanding, and humor. Mande talks the talk and walks the walk as she is always resourceful in not just uncovering the thoughts and feelings at the core of inaction but also provides guidance and support in creating small and actionable steps to change your habits and your life.

Yevgeniya Shafer


Mande coached me to navigate one of the most difficult challenges of my life: recovery from a brain injury. Not only have I gotten through it, but I am thriving. She taught me how to get back in the driver’s seat of life rather than being a victim of my injury. Her understanding of my “new brain” helped me get my life back. I can’t say enough about her powerful coaching.

Helen Scott


Mande John didn't build the tool shed. She made me see that I had all the tools I needed for life scattered about inside. Together, we systematically uncovered each tool, dusted it off and immediately put it to use. Nothing feels as good as an organized tool shed! My productivity and confidence thanks you for it, Mande!

Alicia Diaz


Mande had an amazing gift of helping people see through the obstacles in their lives to get to the best version of themselves. She helped Make what I thought was so hard in my life a simple understandable process so I could finally move forward and set myself free. Thank you Mande for all that you’ve helped me with over these past 8 months! You’re the best!!

Jeanna Giraldi

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