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Solve Any Problem With These 3 Things

I've come to the conclusion that you can solve any problem with three things. Mind management, time management, and knowing how to properly set and carry out goals. Each of these things requires perseverance, and these are each skill that must be learned.

The first key to mind management is to realize that your thoughts are not happening to you. I think many people get overwhelmed by the number of thoughts and feelings they deal with on a daily basis on an unconscious level.

Then once they become conscious of their thoughts it is only natural to focus on the negative ones since no one thinks of "good" thoughts as a problem, but we are quick to judge the ones we deem "bad".

The key is to be the watcher of our thoughts. There are many techniques you can use. You can notice them pass like clouds, imagine a room with two doors where your thought walks in stays for a bit, and leaves, or how about an express train that you just watch go by?

The key is to not make the thoughts and the feelings they conjure a problem. They just pop up, sometimes change in intensity and eventually leave. Then they might pop up again, and you just notice them, acknowledge them, and they eventually go.

Time management is very individual, but for everyone, it's making a plan for your time. For some, this is a very structured plan and for others things shift around, but the key is to make sure you are getting done what makes you feel you are keeping your word to yourself without stress.

I won't write a lot on this today, but that is not because it's less important. It is extremely important you learn the skill of managing your time, or you can't be intentional with your life. It's important to plan what you want to get done ahead of time with your prefrontal cortex and learn to follow through. You can do it!

Lastly, knowing how to properly set and carry out goals. We understand the idea of wanting to complete or change something. So we decide to do it. We may make all the plans, buy the things needed, but usually, the downfall is we don't strategize what to do when things go wrong. You feel enough discomfort and quit.

All of these things require persistence and perseverance. You have to be willing to get really uncomfortable and stay in that for as long as it takes to develop a habit. This is where most people go wrong. They bump up against the discomfort, decide something has gone terribly wrong, and quit.

So is it door number 1, 2, or 3? The answer is all 3. Book a consultation call with me, and we can work on this together.


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